Reasons why you make look to change a student's account from active to inactive:
This student has not accessed their account within your current subscription period and you would like to free up accounts for new students.
You were only using The Careers Department with them for a certain reason, and they do not require continued access.
This student has moved to a new school.
Reasons why you may look to change a student from inactive to active.
This student has tried to log in and are being told their account is inactive, even though their school has an active subscription.
You have decided to re-open their access, after previously archiving them.
A new student at your school has moved over from another school, and has just had their old account transferred to you, and it is inactive.
How to change a students
Go to Teacher View
Navigate to 'Users' on the left-hand side menu
Click 'Students'
Select which user/s you would like to update
Click 'Bulk Action'
Select 'Make Active/Inactive'
Click what state you would like to move the selected students to
Click 'Confirm'